Friday, January 1, 2010

it's new year, new chapter but im completely bored!

hapy new year!

okeyh arini aku start keje under metro group...hari yg plg memBOSANkan & menguji kesabaran!

woke up at 6.30am++ and completely dressed up & had bfast at 1st nk drive je g keje bt then abah kate since aku & k.aida x hafal jln so abah suh driver yg anta kteorg...tunggu nye tunggu smpai la 9.40am si mangkuk ayun tu x smpai2...bedebah nye manusia....sesia je aku bgn & mandi pepagi buta! at last aku drive gak~~ ceh mmg merosakkn mood new year & 1st workg day of my life!!! da la pale cam dizzy sket...sib bek x demam & x mual mcm semalam!

arini bosan sbb big boss x dtg...suppose die yg nk brief aku & other 3 or 4 a/ctants to divide everythg related to actg & finance bt since die x dtg arini, aku pon tpkse la wat bodo sepjg ari kt opis..i did offer to help other people bt they said "erm xtau la nk kasi keje ape" haih~~ maybe diorg x cnfident dgn aku hahaha...damn it! last2 aku selongkar meja aku tuh and belek2 few supportg doc files...boring~~ tp xkan aku nk termenung or main internet dak? sib bek after meetg tghari tu angah ade kasi aku usya2 costg worksheet...ade ar gak mende bermanfaat aku wat ptg td tp time tu pn da kul 5.15pm!

haih bosannye 1st workg day~~

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